Source code for git_wrapper.log

#! /usr/bin/env python
"""This module acts as an interface for acting on git logs"""

from string import Template

from git_wrapper import exceptions
from git_wrapper.utils.decorators import reference_exists

[docs]class GitLog(object): def __init__(self, git_repo, logger): """Constructor for GitLog object :param repo.GitRepo git_repo: An already constructed GitRepo object :param logging.Logger logger: A pre-configured Python Logger object """ self.git_repo = git_repo self.logger = logger def _commit_format(self, commits, pattern='$full_message'): """Return a list of strings representing the commits Any of the following placeholders may be used in the pattern: * $hash The full commit hash * $short_hash The short commit hash, similar to --abbrev-commit * $message The commit message * $summary First line of the commit message * $full_message Complete commit info with hash, author, message. Similar to default "git log" ouput * $author Commit author * $date Date the commit was authored :param list commits: A list of git.objects.object.Commit commits :param str pattern: Formatter containing any of the placeholders above :return: list of strings """ author_tpl = Template("$name <$email>") full_message_tpl = Template( "commit $hash\nAuthor: $author\nDate: $date\n\n$message" ) # Parse the user-provided pattern log = [] line_tpl = Template(pattern) for c in commits: c_author = author_tpl.safe_substitute(, c_date = c.authored_datetime.strftime("%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y %z") placeholders = {"short_hash": c.hexsha[0:7], "hash": c.hexsha, "message": c.message, "summary": c.summary, "author": c_author, "date": c_date} full_message = full_message_tpl.safe_substitute(placeholders) placeholders["full_message"] = full_message line = line_tpl.safe_substitute(placeholders) log.append(line) return log
[docs] @reference_exists('hash_from') @reference_exists('hash_to') def log_diff(self, hash_from, hash_to, pattern="$full_message"): """Return a list of strings for log entries between two hashes. Any of the following placeholders may be used in the pattern: * $hash The full commit hash * $short_hash The short commit hash, similar to --abbrev-commit * $message The commit message * $summary First line of the commit message * $full_message Complete commit info with hash, author, message. Similar to default "git log" ouput * $author Commit author * $date Date the commit was authored :param str hash_from: A commit hash :param str hash_to: A commit hash :param str pattern: Formatter containing any of the placeholders above :return: list of strings """ range_ = f"{hash_from}..{hash_to}" commits = self.git_repo.repo.iter_commits(range_) if not commits: return [] return self._commit_format(commits, pattern)
[docs] def short_log_diff(self, hash_from, hash_to): """Return a list of strings for log entries between two hashes. Log entries will be returned in the "<short_hash> <summary>" format. :param str hash_from: A commit hash :param str hash_to: A commit hash """ return self.log_diff(hash_from, hash_to, "$short_hash $summary")
[docs] @reference_exists('branch') def grep_for_commits(self, branch, grep_for, reverse=False, path=None, log_format='format:%H'): """Returns a list of matching commits shas. :param str branch: which branch to grep on :param str grep_for: what to grep for :param bool reverse: whether to return in reversed order :param str path: path to limit the search to, optionally :param str log_format: log format output. Defaults to format:%H. Please refer to git-log documentation about PRETTY FORMATS :return: A list of resulting commit matching the pattern. """ commits = [] params = [branch, f"--format={log_format}", f"--grep={grep_for}"] if reverse: params += ['--reverse'] if path: if path not in self.git_repo.repo.tree(): msg = f"Path {path} doesn't exist in repo." raise exceptions.FileDoesntExistException(msg) params += [path] results = self.git_repo.repo.git.log(*params) # git.log returns an empty string if there are no matching commits, don't split in that case if len(results) > 0: commits = results.split("\n") return commits
[docs] @reference_exists('commit_ref') def log_show_commit(self, commit_ref='HEAD', pattern="$full_message"): """Return a string representing the given commit. Any of the following placeholders may be used in the pattern: * $hash The full commit hash * $short_hash The short commit hash, similar to --abbrev-commit * $message The commit message * $summary First line of the commit message * $full_message Complete commit info with hash, author, message. Similar to default "git log" ouput * $author Commit author * $date Date the commit was authored :param str commit_ref: A commit hash. Defaults to HEAD :param str pattern: Formatter containing any of the placeholders above :return: A string """ result = self.git_repo.repo.commit(commit_ref) return self._commit_format([result], pattern)[0]