Source code for git_wrapper.branch

#! /usr/bin/env python
"""This module acts as an interface for acting on git branches"""

import re
import os

import git

from git_wrapper import exceptions
from git_wrapper.utils.decorators import reference_exists

[docs]class GitBranch(object): def __init__(self, git_repo, logger): """Constructor for GitBranch object :param repo.GitRepo git_repo: An already constructed GitRepo object to use :param logging.Logger logger: A pre-configured Python Logger object """ self.git_repo = git_repo self.logger = logger def _expand_file_path(self, path): """Expand a given path into an absolute path and check for presence. :param str path: Path """ full_path = os.path.realpath(os.path.expanduser(path)) if not os.path.isfile(full_path): msg = f"{full_path} is not a file." raise exceptions.FileDoesntExistException(msg) return full_path def _run_cherry(self, upstream, head, regex): """Run the git cherry command and return lines in a dict. :param str upstream: Branch name :param str head: Branch name :param str regex: Regular expression to run on the cherry result """ args = ['-v', upstream, head] ret_data = {} for line in self.git_repo.git.cherry(*args).split('\n'): match = regex.match(line) if match is not None: ret_data[] = return ret_data
[docs] @reference_exists("start_ref") def create(self, name, start_ref, reset_if_exists=False, checkout=False): """Create a local branch based on start_ref. If the branch exists, do nothing or hard reset it if reset_if_exists is set. :param str name: New branch's name :param str start_ref: Reference (branch, commit, tag, ...) to use as a starting point. :param bool reset_if_exists: Whether to hard reset the branch to start_ref if the branch already exists. :param bool checkout: Whether to checkout the new branch :return: True if a new branch was created, None otherwise """ if not self.exists(name): self.git_repo.git.branch(name, start_ref) if checkout: self.git_repo.git.checkout(name) return True if self.exists(name) and reset_if_exists: self.hard_reset_to_ref(name, start_ref, checkout) if checkout: self.git_repo.git.checkout(name)
[docs] def exists(self, name, remote=None): """Checks if a branch exists locally or on the specified remote. :param str name: Name of the branch to find :param str remote: Remote name to check for the branch, or None if local """ if not remote: if name in self.git_repo.repo.branches: return True else: return False else: if remote not in self.git_repo.remote.names(): raise exceptions.RemoteException( f"Remote {remote} does not exist." ) if name in self.git_repo.repo.remotes[remote].refs: return True else: return False
[docs] def cherry_on_head_only(self, upstream, head): """Get new patches between upstream and head. :param str upstream: Branch name :param str head: Branch name """ msg = (f"Get new patches between upstream ({upstream}) " f"and head ({head})") self.logger.debug(msg) head_only_regex = re.compile(r'^\+\s(.*?)\s(.*)') return self._run_cherry(upstream, head, head_only_regex)
[docs] def cherry_equivalent(self, upstream, head): """Get patches that are in both upstream and head. :param str upstream: Branch name :param str head: Branch name """ msg = (f"Get patches that are in both upstream ({upstream}) " f"and head ({head})") self.logger.debug(msg) equivalent_regex = re.compile(r'^\-\s(.*?)\s(.*)') return self._run_cherry(upstream, head, equivalent_regex)
[docs] @reference_exists("branch_name") @reference_exists("hash_") def rebase_to_hash(self, branch_name, hash_): """Perform a rebase from a specific reference to another. :param str branch_name: The name of the branch to rebase on :param str hash_: The commit hash or reference to rebase to """ self.logger.debug( f"Rebasing branch {branch_name} to hash {hash_}. " f"Repo currently at commit {self.git_repo.repo.head.commit}." ) if self.git_repo.repo.is_dirty(): working_dir = self.git_repo.repo.working_dir msg = (f"Repository {working_dir} is dirty. Please clean workspace " "before proceeding.") raise exceptions.DirtyRepositoryException(msg) # Checkout try: self.git_repo.git.checkout(branch_name) except git.GitCommandError as ex: msg = f"Could not checkout branch {branch_name}. Error: {ex}" raise exceptions.CheckoutException(msg) from ex # Rebase try: self.git_repo.git.rebase(hash_) except git.GitCommandError as ex: msg = (f"Could not rebase hash {hash_} onto branch {branch_name}. " f"Error: {ex}") raise exceptions.RebaseException(msg) from ex msg = f"Successfully rebased branch {branch_name} to {hash_}" self.logger.debug(msg)
[docs] def abort_rebase(self): """Aborts a rebase.""" try: self.git_repo.git.rebase('--abort') except git.GitCommandError as ex: msg = f"Rebase abort command failed. Error: {ex}" raise exceptions.AbortException(msg) from ex
[docs] @reference_exists('branch_name') def apply_patch(self, branch_name, path, keep_square_brackets=False): """Apply a git patch file on top of the specified branch. :param str branch_name: The name of the branch or reference to apply the patch to :param str path: Path to a git-formatted patch file (cf. git format-patch) :param bool keep_square_brackets: Preserve non-[PATCH] brackets in commit subject """ # Expand file (also needed for git-am) and check it exists full_path = self._expand_file_path(path) # Checkout try: self.git_repo.git.checkout(branch_name) except git.GitCommandError as ex: msg = f"Could not checkout branch {branch_name}. Error: {ex}" raise exceptions.CheckoutException(msg) from ex # Apply the patch file try: if keep_square_brackets:"--keep-non-patch", full_path) else: except git.GitCommandError as ex: msg = (f"Could not apply patch {full_path} on branch " f"{branch_name}. Error: {ex}") raise exceptions.ChangeNotAppliedException(msg) from ex
[docs] @reference_exists('branch_name') def apply_diff(self, branch_name, diff_path, message, signoff=False): """Apply a diff on top of the specified branch. :param str branch_name: The name of the branch or reference to apply the diff to :param str diff_path: Path to the diff file :param str message: Commit message :param bool signoff: Whether to add signed-off-by to commit message """ # Ensure we don't commit more than we mean to if self.git_repo.repo.is_dirty(untracked_files=True): repo = self.git_repo.repo.working_dir msg = (f"Repository {repo} contains uncommitted changes. Please " "clean workspace before proceeding.") raise exceptions.DirtyRepositoryException(msg) # Check diff file exists full_path = self._expand_file_path(diff_path) # Checkout try: self.git_repo.git.checkout(branch_name) except git.GitCommandError as ex: msg = f"Could not checkout branch {branch_name}. Error: {ex}" raise exceptions.CheckoutException(msg) from ex # Apply the diff try: self.git_repo.git.apply(full_path) except git.GitCommandError as ex: msg = (f"Could not apply diff {full_path} on branch " f"{branch_name}. Error: {ex}") raise exceptions.ChangeNotAppliedException(msg) from ex # The diff may have added new files, ensure they are staged self.git_repo.git.add(".") # Commit self.git_repo.commit.commit(message, signoff)
[docs] def abort_patch_apply(self): """Abort applying a patch (git am).""" try:'--abort') except git.GitCommandError as ex: msg = f"Failed to abort git am operation. Error: {ex}" raise exceptions.AbortException(msg) from ex
[docs] def reverse_diff(self, diff_path): """Reverse a diff that was applied to the workspace. :param str diff_path: Path to the diff file """ full_path = os.path.expanduser(diff_path) if not os.path.isfile(full_path): msg = f"{full_path} is not a file." raise exceptions.FileDoesntExistException(msg) try: self.git_repo.git.apply(full_path, reverse=True) except git.GitCommandError as ex: msg = f"Reversing diff failed. Error: {ex}" raise exceptions.RevertException(msg) from ex
[docs] def log_diff(self, hash_from, hash_to, pattern="$full_message"): """DEPRECATED. Use GitRepo.log.log_diff instead.""" self.logger.warning("DEPRECATED. GitRepo.branch.log_diff is deprecated, " "Use GitRepo.log.log_diff instead.") return self.git_repo.log.log_diff(hash_from, hash_to, pattern)
[docs] def short_log_diff(self, hash_from, hash_to): """DEPRECATED. Use GitRepo.log.short_log_diff instead.""" self.logger.warning("DEPRECATED. GitRepo.branch.short_log_diff is deprecated, " "Use GitRepo.log.short_log_diff instead.") return self.git_repo.log.short_log_diff(hash_from, hash_to)
[docs] def hard_reset(self, branch="master", remote="origin", remote_branch="master", refresh=True): """Perform a hard reset of a local branch to a remote branch. :param str branch: Local branch to reset :param str remote: Remote use as base for the reset :param str remote_branch: Remote branch to reset to :param bool refresh: Whether to refresh the remote before resetting """ if refresh: self.git_repo.remote.fetch(remote) remote_ref = f"{remote}/{remote_branch}" self.hard_reset_to_ref(branch, remote_ref)
[docs] def hard_reset_to_ref(self, branch, ref, checkout=True): """Perform a hard reset of a local branch to any reference. :param str branch: Local branch to reset :param str ref: Reference (commit, tag, ...) to reset to :param bool checkout: Whether to checkout the new branch """ # Ensure the reference maps to a commit try: commit =, ref) except git.exc.BadName as ex: msg = f"Could not find reference {ref}." raise exceptions.ReferenceNotFoundException(msg) from ex try: # Preserve the reference name if there is one orig = except TypeError: # Detached head orig = self.git_repo.repo.head.commit.hexsha # Switch to the branch try: self.git_repo.git.checkout(branch) except git.GitCommandError as ex: msg = f"Could not checkout branch {branch}. Error: {ex}" raise exceptions.CheckoutException(msg) from ex # Reset --hard to that reference try: self.git_repo.repo.head.reset(commit=commit, index=True, working_tree=True) except git.GitCommandError as ex: msg = (f"Error resetting branch {branch} to {ref}. " f"Error: {ex}") raise exceptions.ResetException(msg) from ex # Return to the original head if required if not checkout: try: self.git_repo.git.checkout(orig) except git.GitCommandError as ex: msg = f"Could not checkout {orig}. Error: {ex}" raise exceptions.CheckoutException(msg) from ex
[docs] @reference_exists('remote_branch') @reference_exists('hash_') def remote_contains(self, remote_branch, hash_): """Check if a commit hash is present on a remote branch :param str remote_branch: Remote branch to check :param str hash_: Commit hash to check if present """ # When used with a specific branch name, this command will # return either an empty string if the commit isn't present, or # the branch name provided result = self.git_repo.git.branch( "-r", "--contains", hash_, remote_branch ) if result: return True else: return False